Assessment in NUS. How to evaluate without devaluation training of teacher Nataliia Rudnitska for research and teaching staff and higher education students of K-PNU

Assessment in NUS. How to evaluate without devaluation training of teacher Nataliia Rudnitska for research and teaching staff and higher education students of K-PNU

The Faculty of Foreign Philology once again welcomed Nataliia Rudnitska, a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature, teacher-methodologist, expert of the State Standards of Basic and Specialized Secondary Education, teacher of the All-Ukrainian School Online, and NUS coach.

On May 09, 2024, academic staff and higher education students of K-PNU were trained by Ms. Natalia on the topic: “Assessment in NUS. How to evaluate without devaluation”.

The speaker revealed the philosophy of assessment in the New Ukrainian School, presented innovative methods of formative assessment and shared practical strategies for their implementation in the educational process.

Here are some practical recommendations for assessment in NUS without devaluing students:

  1. Use a variety of assessment forms: observation, self-assessment, peer assessment.
  2. Evaluate not only the results but also the learning process itself – students’ efforts, diligence, creativity.
  3. Create an atmosphere of trust and support, where mistakes are perceived as learning opportunities.
  4. Involve students in the assessment process, discuss success criteria and expectations.
  5. Focus on the individual progress of each student, not on comparison with others.

All those present at the meeting concluded that “Effective assessment should be a tool to encourage and support students in their learning progress, not to devalue or demotivate them.”

Germanic Languages
and Foreign Literature Department

Assessment in NUS. How to evaluate without devaluation training of teacher Nataliia Rudnitska for research and teaching staff and higher education students of K-PNU