Meet Safdar Muhammad

Safdar Muhammad will study Ukrainian language at the Preparatory Department of K-PNU. Safdar has come from Pakistan. Previously, he has gained qualification of a doctor in Afghanistan and now he is a certified doctor (Bachelor of Medicine). Safdar aims to pursue his further studies in Ukraine since he admits that Ukrainian higher institutions provide excellent education and, moreover, it is accepted all around the world.

Having been only for one week, he is greatly impressed by the hospitality and sincerity of the people and beautiful landscapes of Kamianets-Podilskyi. Safdar has already visited the Old Town, our picturesque fortress and found out about the glorious history of Ohiienko University at the K-PNU Museum. Safdar has also been to our ethno-laboratory where he discovered the culture, customs and traditions of Ukraine. He was impressed to see so many tools presented in the lab which in Pakistan are the same.

Ohiienko University is happy to open its doors to foreign students who want to learn the Ukrainian language, based on experience and prospects.

Welcome to Ohiienko University!