Since childhood the field of tourism was a dream for Khrystyna. She first submitted the documents to the IHEs in Ternopil and Lviv. And when it was her turn to apply to the university in our city for the Faculty of History, Khrystyna saw an advertisement of a new specialty – “Tourism”.
Smiling, the girl remembers her student years, because alongside with interesting subjects, teachers shared their experience in tourism, in particular, practical experience. If we talk about university disciplines, the most relevant skills for tourism today are knowledge and understanding of the sales process, communication with people, work online in modern software products and online marketing.
Today Khrystyna Budurovych works as a specialist in the travel agency Join UP! She says that this work opened the world of a foreign tourism for her. People and the beauty of the world help the girl in her work. She is also inspired by the community service. Khrystyna is a volunteer of the Maltese Aid Service and is a friend of the ‘Faith and Light’ International Community Movement. “Any help to others shapes your own worldview – and that’s important,” she says.
The secret of success, according to Khrystyna, is in two components: satisfied customers and, in fact, enjoying your hobbies: “If you work where you don’t feel yourself comfortable and you don’t like it at all, no success is ensured. You always have to listen to your heart”. The main thing is to have inspiration for what you do, then success will come – says Khrystyna.