Success story of the graduate of K-PNU: Ruslan Herasymenko – a graduate of the Faculty of History in 2014 (qualification – Bachelor of History). Program Director of Radio Relax (TAVR Media Holding), content editor of the online radio station New Rock, member of the morning show team “[KAMTUGEZA”] (Radio ROKS).

 It was a coincidence that brought Ruslan Herasymenko with the Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University together. This moment of his life became for him a starting point of the road to his own success. “From the early days of the university, I had to learn quickly something new – to read, memorize, search, manage a large amount of information, to present it publicly,” he says about studying history. This became a kind of luggage for further development. After studying at Ohiienko University, he continued his studies at UCU, trained and worked at the multimedia company “MJoy”, and then took an internship at the Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago (USA).

Radio Relax, Radio ROKS, New Rock radio station – Ruslan speaks with great pleasure about his work. This is a very responsible job, because everything we hear on the air goes through the “hands and heads” of the program director, content editor.

Ruslan advises the students of Ohiienko University to find new ways to fulfill the History and to “take in all the interesting things that happen along the way.” Then, he says, we will definitely come to the most important.