Anton Naichuk says that he has been interested in history since school days. At the time of entering the university, the field of “Political Science” was considered prestigious and one that would open up new opportunities in the future. Among the priorities was in-depth study of a foreign language. Therefore, he decided to study at two faculties – Faculty of History (extramural) and the Faculty of Foreign Philology (full-time).
He was very impressed by the learning processes, because thanks to the professionalism of the teachers, the classes were held in a particularly informative, but quite relaxed atmosphere. Anton Naichuk singles out Vitaliy Nechytailo among teachers, who spoke about the teachings of Plato, and humoresques.
The most important thing he gained during his studies, Anton considers the theoretical basis of primary sources, practical skills and self-confidence.
Anton Naichuk currently heads the Civil Diplomacy Fund and works in the commercial sector related to the sale of non-residential real estate and legal support of foreign investment in Ukraine.
Recalling his student years, he said: “I urge everyone: do not limit your student life and constantly look for events and projects of internships, trainings, etc. Do not be afraid to apply, write CVs. There is a huge number of opportunities in the world to go abroad at the expense of the organizers, to establish contacts with colleagues from other countries, to gain a considerable experience that will help you in the future. “
Anton Naichuk also advises students to be able to set priorities and always complete all the tasks planned for the day. He doesn’t advise to plan an instant conquer of the golden tops, but to concentrate on the goal.