Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (hereinafter referred to as the University) is a multidisciplinary (classical) higher education institution that conducts innovative educational, scientific, and international activities at various levels of higher education. It serves as a leading scientific and methodological center, promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge, and engages in cultural and educational activities.
Internationalization involves expanding the University’s activities beyond national borders, aligning them with international processes of higher education and science reform, and integrating best international practices and values into the educational process, scientific research, and management system.
In the current context of Ukraine’s struggle for national identity, democratic principles, and European values, an essential focus of the University’s international activities is to shape a new generation of citizens and professionals who will contribute to its development as a European Union member state.
The key principles of the University’s internationalization include sustainability, quality and innovation, cooperation, human-centeredness, and social dimension. The main approaches to implementing internationalization at the University are balanced internationalization, digitalization of internationalization, internationalization through capacity-building of participants in the educational process, and internationalization of economic stability.
The strategic priorities of the University’s internationalization are defined as follows: internationalization of educational activities, internationalization of scientific and innovative activities, international academic mobility, and internationalization in the field of integrating international cooperation.
The Strategy for the Internationalization of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) is approved for the duration of the Development Strategy of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University for 2020–2030 (approved by the University’s Academic Council on August 28, 2020) and the Strategic Development Plan of the University for 2024–2028 (approved by the University’s Academic Council on December 28, 2023). Since the Strategy is being adopted during martial law in Ukraine, updates and adjustments may be necessary throughout its implementation.
The Strategy for Internationalization is designed to establish the fundamental principles, approaches, and strategic priorities that form the basis of the goal, mission, vision, and values of the University on the international stage.
From 2019 to 2024, the University confidently shaped its position in the field of internationalization, which enabled the establishment of an international academic mobility system within the frameworks of EU Programs Erasmus+, eTwinning for Future Teachers, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), the Scholarship Program of the Government of the Republic of Poland, the Scholarship Program of the Government of the Slovak Republic, European Eastern Studies at the University of Warsaw, and others; as well as participation in the implementation of institutional projects within such international programs as “Student Academic Mobility (SAM) Ukraine” (British Council), “Higher Education Teaching Excellence Programme” (British Council), “Management of Internationalization and Establishment of German-Ukrainian Cooperation 2022-2023” (DAAD), “Multiplication Training for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine” (THEA Ukraine X Cohort III) (DAAD), Ukrainian-Polish and Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchanges (Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine), and others.
The process of internationalizing academic curricula was strengthened by the University’s participation in the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project “Digitalization of the Economy as an Element of Sustainable Development in Ukraine and Tajikistan” (DigEco) 618270-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.
THE GOAL of the Strategy is to define the priority areas and tasks for the University’s development, ensuring its integration into the European and global educational space.
THE MISSION: to expand and deepen effective cooperation with foreign universities, particularly in the areas of academic exchanges, project collaboration, and grant activities.
THE VISION: the University that confidently progresses along the path of internationalization by fostering academic mobility, integrating into international scientific and educational communities, and enhancing its recognition in the global intercultural and international academic space.
The implementation of the Strategy will adhere to the following principles:
sustainability – based on prioritizing the development of the University, predictability, planning, and consistency of all agreed strategic directions within the framework of international educational and scientific standards.
quality and innovation – ensured through transparency, digitalization, and openness of educational services to all, aligning with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
interaction – based on the responsibility of all participants in the educational process of the University.
human-centered approach – expressed in tolerance and support for the initiatives of all participants in the educational process, as well as respect for European values and those of the European Higher Education Area.
social dimension – realized through promoting equality and inclusion within the University to reflect the diversity of society.
Main Approaches to Internationalization:
balanced internationalization – aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (Regarding the Strategic Course of the State on Acquiring Full Membership in the European Union and NATO),” and the Higher Education Development Strategy in Ukraine for 2022-2032.
digitalization of internationalization – expanding the digital environment of the University in teaching and learning, ensuring high-quality educational, scientific, and organizational processes that contribute to internationalization.
internationalization through capacity development – encouraging active participation in international educational and research projects, academic mobility programs, and enhancing the University’s recognition and competitiveness of its graduates on the global stage.
economic stability through internationalization – securing additional funding by participating in international programs, attracting grant resources, and expanding cooperation with international organizations, foundations, and governments for targeted financing of educational, research, and infrastructure projects.
- Internationalization of educational activities:
- development and implementation of international educational and educational-research projects in collaboration with foreign partners;
- ensuring conditions for acquiring advanced experience by the University’s academic staff through their involvement in teaching at foreign universities;
- internationalization of educational program curricula in the University’s specializations, considering participation in international programs and projects;
- creating conditions for involving representatives of the academic community from foreign universities and research institutions, as well as industry professionals, in delivering guest lectures and joint teaching courses (co-teaching);
- increasing the proportion of courses taught in foreign languages within the educational programs of the University’s specializations;
- development of foreign-language (primarily English-language) educational programs;
- introduction of dual degree programs with foreign partners;
- initiating education for foreign citizens and stateless persons;
- membership of academic staff and students in international professional associations;
- expanding internship opportunities for students beyond Ukraine;
- implementation of international teaching and learning experiences into the training content of the University’s educational programs.
- Internationalization of research and innovation activities:
- creating conditions for the development of international research and innovation activities through the design and implementation of projects with foreign partners and other initiatives in the field of scientific and innovative activities;
- encouraging and supporting researchers in the preparation and execution of international projects aimed at enhancing the University’s research infrastructure;
- promoting and increasing the effectiveness of international research internships for academic staff;
- supporting researchers’ publication activity in leading foreign journals indexed in international databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, etc.; facilitating the preparation of publications in collaboration with foreign scholars and strengthening international cooperation in the publishing sphere;
- optimizing established practices for organizing international scientific and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, and forums with foreign partners;
- engaging students in international competitions for research papers, projects, startups, and other initiatives.
- International academic mobility:
- expanding international academic mobility programs for participants in the University’s educational process abroad;
- facilitating opportunities for students and academic staff to participate in international educational programs;
- optimizing the recognition mechanism for the outcomes of international academic mobility among participants in the educational process;
- continuing to promote academic mobility opportunities in foreign higher education institutions among students and academic staff;
- ensuring high-quality language training for participants in the educational process to enable effective communication and collaboration with foreign partners.
- Internationalization in the sphere of international cooperation integration:
- continuing to coordinate activities with the University’s strategic partners based on effective cooperation models;
- expanding the geographical reach of the University’s international partnerships by signing agreements on international cooperation with educational and research institutions;
- actively promoting knowledge about internationalization “at home” to deepen participants’ understanding of its value-based orientations within the University’s educational process;
- creating an open environment for intercultural communication between Ukrainian and international students, including in extracurricular settings;
- ensuring the availability of English-language versions of the University’s structural unit web pages;
- expanding opportunities for students and academic staff to participate in international artistic and sports events at various levels;
- organizing university-wide events to enhance international project activities at the University and promote international academic mobility programs among academic staff and students;
- establishing incentives for academic staff to write project proposals and implement international projects;
- shaping and promoting a positive image of the University in the global educational, scientific, and cultural space through systematic coverage of international activities and dissemination of image-building information about the University’s achievements and successes.