New competition for participation in the EU Erasmus+ Program under the direction KA171: international credit mobility for K-PNU students has been announced within the inter-institutional agreement with Catholic University in Ruzomberok (Ruzomberok, Republic of Slovakia). Two students of the specialties 014 Secondary
New stage of international project «Ukraine digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern»
For the second year in a row, the Department of German Language, with the support of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), is a participant of international project «Ukraine digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern». In cooperation with the University of Giessen (ULU) and the University of
Final DigEco meeting in Lithuania
The first week of October 2023 was marked by final meeting of DigEco consortium which was held in Kaunas at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) and was attended by partners from Ukraine, Germany and Slovenia. Project coordinator Zhanetta Simanavichiene, Professor, Head
Erasmus Week in K-PNU: how was it?
The week of meetings with K-PNU students on the topic of international academic mobility has come to an end. They talked about the EU Erasmus+ Program, its priorities, requirements for participants, necessary documents, peculiarities of studying at European universities.
Join Erasmus community of our university: take part in the competition and win!!
Office for International Cooperation announces a preliminary competition for participation in the EU Erasmus+ Program, in order to effectively communicate with European partner universities and engage students in international academic mobility. Main goal of the competition is to identify potential
New call within Erasmus+
Within the framework of the signed inter-institutional agreement with the University of Gdansk (Gdansk, Republic of Poland), a call for participation in the EU Erasmus+ Programme KA 171: international credit mobility has been announced.
Project_Hub: ideas bank has been created!
An ideas bank of projects in the field of European Union studies has been created for academic staff of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University as part of the workshops held on the subject of the EU Erasmus+ Program in the
DigEco meeting: analysis and perspectives of the EU Erasmus+ programme project
On March 8, 2023, a meeting of a working group and academic staff as the developers of DigEco disciplines, headed by the rector Serhii Kopylov, was held at Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University within the framework of the project Digitalization
The cohort of K-PNU Erasmus students will be replenished with new participants: competition results
On November 17, 2022, Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University held a competition under the EU Erasmus+ Programme in the direction of KA1: Learning Mobility (KA1: Learning Mobility of Individuals) add a link The competition was attended by higher education
A competition for participation in the EU Erasmus+ Program has been announced
Within the framework of the signed inter-institutional agreement with Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, a competition for participation in the EU Erasmus+ Program KA171: International credit mobility for students of Fine, Decorative and Applied Arts and Restoration of the