eTwinning: expanding the boundaries of academic mobility

On September 19, 2024, the Microsoft Teams platform hosted the Initial Teacher Education Partner-finding fair for higher education institutions that provide teacher training. At the meeting, which was attended by about 80 participants, representatives of universities from Greece (Ionian University), Slovakia (The University of Trnava), Germany (Stuttgart University), etc. presented projects aimed at training future teachers for eTwinning program participants.

It is worth reminding that K-PNU is a participant in the eTwinning program, which aims to integrate Ukrainian educators (teachers, university professors, heads of educational institutions, future teachers (students of pedagogical specialties), politicians and civil servants responsible for educational policy, educational institutions into the European Educational Area and the European community of educators.

The participants of the meeting from the Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University were interested in the topics of the proposed projects: “EU goes to school”, ‘Project-Based Learning with eTwinning and Erasmus+ for Interculturality’, ”E.M.P.O.W.E.R.: Enhancing Mental, Physical and Overall Wellbeing of Students”, ‘Researching and Discussing Culture’, ‘Ethnics in Information and Communication Technology’.

Currently, Ohiienko University’s academic staff and students are reviewing the proposals of their colleagues to start registration for the training courses presented at the Initial Teacher Education Partner-finding fair.

In particular, applicants of the Faculty of Foreign Philology majoring in 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (English), 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (German), 014 Secondary Education (Language and Literature (Polish) are familiarizing themselves with the syllabus of the training course “Project-Based Learning with eTwinning and Erasmus+ for Interculturality”, offered by Richard Powers, Professor at the Institute of Literary Studies and the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Stuttgart, an experienced online learning expert and winner of the prestigious 2021 Teaching Award.

This dynamic, interactive course, which will be implemented on the MOODLE and ZOOM platforms, covers the topic of project-based instructional design. Higher education applicants will choose projects, select teacher training students from other European universities, jointly implement short intercultural educational projects, and present the results.

Our applicants will collaborate in transnational groups on projects on sustainable education and educational innovation for free. The goal of the course is to make friends across borders and nations to promote peace, kindness, empathy, virtual exchange, and open distance education.

Working together for the victory!

Office for International Cooperation

eTwinning: expanding the boundaries of academic mobility