On November 17, 2022, Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University held a competition under the EU Erasmus+ Programme in the direction of KA1: Learning Mobility (KA1: Learning Mobility of Individuals) add a link https://erasmusplus.org.ua/opportunities/mozhlyvosti-dlya-organizaczij/proyekty-akademichnoyi-mobilnosti-u-sferi-vyshhoyi-osvity/.
The competition was attended by higher education students majoring in Fine Art, Decorative Art, and Restoration of the Pedagogical Faculty of K-PNU as part of the signed inter-institutional agreement with the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts (Krakow, Republic of Poland).
The competition was announced on November 7, 2022 https://meridian.kpnu.edu.ua/2022/11/07/oholosheno-konkurs-na-uchast-u-prohrami-ies-erazmus/#more-81972 on the official website of the University.
To get acquainted with the EU Erasmus+ Programme, an online meeting was held on November 8 with students of Fine, Decorative and Applied Arts and Restoration of the Art Works Departments, which was attended by Vadym IVASIUK, a graduate of K-PNU, our Erasmus Alumnus, who shared his experience of participating in the Erasmus+ Programme at Jan Mateyko Academy of Fine Arts from February 15 to June 11, 2021.
The competition commission worked in a mixed format consisting of Acting Rector, First Vice Rector, Chairman of the competition committee Volodymyr DUBINSKY, Acting Vice Rector for scientific and pedagogical work, Head of the Educational and methodological center for quality assurance of education Gennadiy BESARABCHUK, Head of the office for international cooperation Tetyana STORCHOVA, Speaker of Student Senate Olga YAVORSKA.
Therefore, by the results of the work of the competition committee, such winners were determined:
- Andriana OSYKA (93.2 points), Speciality 023 Fine Art, Decorative Art, and Restoration
- Kateryna SHYDLOVSKA (90 points), Speciality 023 Fine Art, Decorative Art, and Restoration
Congratulations to the participants who will study at Jan Mateyko Academy of Fine Arts from February 20 to June 16, 2023.
We sincerely believe that the experience gained at a partner institution of higher education will be your contribution to the European future of our country! Together to the victory!
Office for international cooperation